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Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Another reason why religion is evil

The New York Times > Religion: Group of Bishops Using Influence to Oppose Kerry

Mixing religion and politics is, of course, nothing new. That many evangelical and born again churches are blatantly partisan and little more than Jesus freak republican clubs is also old news and their hypocrisy has simply become part of the landscape in the Land of the Free. But the Catholic Church, which has been searching for relevance since Galileo, should think twice.

I understand and even respect people with deep convictions doing what they deem necessary to live by them. If Archbishop Chaput feels the need to remind his sheep of RC teachings it seems a bit odd that he leaves out, “…traditional church concerns about the death penalty or war…” when discussing stem cell research, abortion, and gay marriage.

First (the) Dick Chaney says “Vote Repub. or die in a horrible terrorist blaze” and now we have “Elect Bush or burn in hell forever. (Unless you vote Dem, go to confession and get forgiveness, of course.)


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