All the politics, religion, and other bullshit you can keep down. And random things that pique my interest.


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Friday, November 03, 2006

Gotta Have Some Porn

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Why Does Anyone Care WHAT Evangelicals Think About Immigration?

A recent article in the Washington Post talks about a split in thinking among Evangelical Christians on the proposed immigration law changes. Though I'm glad to see the difference of opinion since it implies independant thought rarely seen in that set, the bigger issues - or rather question here, is WHO GIVES A FLYING RATS ASS?

I mean, no one reall cares what Adults Who Belive in Santa Clause think, right? Or the Followers of Golden Dawn? Nope. I don't think a major news outlet is any hurry to dispatch resources to find out.

Let religious nut cases be religious nut cases. They can confess their sins to pedophile priests, raise their hind quarters to the sky, or ut up their sons' penises in bloddy ritual all they want - but please... let's just not take them seriously or lend them authority on matters that matter.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Thomas More Smears Santorum Following Withdrawl

PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 22 -- Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.) withdrew on Thursday his affiliation from the Christian-rights law center that defended a school district's policy requiring the teaching of "intelligent design."

More from Washington Post>>

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Presidential Taint - No Longer Seen With Santorum

Santorum shuns Bush? Well I suppose that's obvious... But what's this in Slate about The Presidential Taint? I mean... we know Clinton had one - but W? Why, he's a Christian!

Bush Asshole Mosaic courtesy of
Art of Resistance

30x40 Asshole Resolution
90x120 Asshole Resolution

Friday, October 28, 2005

The Blinders of Faith: One Needn't Be Troubled By What Doesn't Fit In

I couldn't have said it better myself. From The Washington Post on Bush's impending (first ever) veto of a bill that would outlaw torture at American hands. Absolutely staggering...:
The many laws and precedents that limit government authority do not, Bush insists, limit him. He is, as always, a firm believer in what he believes.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

President Bush: 2,000 Counts of 1st Degree Murder

That lying sack of shit in the Whitehouse let us to war killing 2,000 US soldiers and god only knows how many Iraqis over nothing but his fantasy. Did he believe his own web of bullshit? Who knows…maybe. After all - as a Born Again Christian his whole world view is based on belief in the absence of any supporting evidence and in spite of piles evidence to the contrary.

The man should be tried for the murder of each and every life lost in Iraq.

From Newsweek:

The CIA declined to comment on the draft report. But officials tell NEWSWEEK that Zarqawi probably did travel to the Iraqi capital in the spring of 2002 for medical treatment. And, of course, there is no question that he is in Iraq now orchestrating many of the deadly suicide bombings and attacks on American soldiers.

But before the American-led invasion, Saddam's government may never have known he was there. The reason: he used an alias and was there under what one U.S. intelligence official calls a "false cover." No evidence has been found showing senior Iraqi officials were even aware of his presence, according to two counterterrorism analysts familiar with the classified CIA study who asked not to be identified because of the sensitivity of the matter.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

More to Terrify than Terror Itself

From The Wasington Post:

...a solemn vow from President Bush not to "rest or tire until the war on terror is won."
“Terror” is not a country. Nor is it a group. It isn’t anything that war can be waged against. It’s an emotion for fucks sake. It’s not even an ideology…Business practice...Political strategy... Nothing. In fact, since The President keeps referring to 9/11 and other frightening things to justify his lack of coherent policy one might easily say he adds to people’s feeling of terror.

No – there is one reason why he keeps repeating this ‘newspeak” of his. Since one cannot win a war against an emotion it justifies anything he wants to do for as long as he wants. And when the polls look too grim – he can declare victory and throw himself a tickertape parade. Sure there will be Palestinian suicide bombers in Israel… and insurgents in Baghdad… and threats in London, Lisbon, and New York. But those will be the work of “Foes of Democracy”. “Terror” will have been defeated because the President will have said so.

And that's terrifying.

War on Terror NOT ENOUGH!

Since our great nation has devoted it's sacred honor, fortune, and the lives of so many to a War on Terror why stop there? Sure, I agree that terror is... well... terrible. But there are others.

We cannot let Sorrow escape. Depression. Unease. Malaise (or is that suspiciously French?).

Nor should Low Self Esteem - a feeling plaguing our nation in headlines and airwaves for DECADES now - be allowed to hide in the recesses of our minds or the Pakistani mountains.

And Pain. That is one which causes so much hurt in our lives.

No - I say that pacifist wimp Bush has not gone near far enough.

I call for a War on All Unpleasantness.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Women's Pay rapidly Aproching Mens' in IT

From The Register

Exclusive Number-crunchers at Britain's Office of National Statistics have trashed claims that women are earning more than men in IT management positions.

Women IT managers still earn less than men, ONS figures produced for The Register show. But their salaries are growing - and men's are starting to droop.

In September the Chartered Management Institute pulled the rug from beneath equality campaigners with a survey that showed women IT managers earning more than men for the first time.

The upshot was that either women were not the underdogs of the profession, as is widely claimed, or campaigners had succeeded in their mission and could hang up their hats.

As it turns out, the data was misleading and the CMI is at a loss to explain why.

The ONS has answered a Register request with an exclusive analysis of its labour force survey that shows equality campaigners still have work to do.

However, women's lot has improved considerably in the last twelve months. In 2004 women IT managers earned a whopping £14,500 less than men, the ONS data reveals.

In 2005 men earned £4,900 a year more than women. The gap was closed by the salaries of women in lower management positions, which jumped by nearly £200 a week in 2005, yet are still just short of men.

Senior women’s wage packets lagged men’s by £170 a week - or nearly £9,000 a year.

However, it appears that some of the increase in women's salaries has come out of men's pay packets. Men's salaries have decreased in both senior and junior management positions by an average of £50 a week.

The CMI's findings that women IT managers now earn more than men caused a bit of a stir among equality campaigners, so much so that Intellect, the IT industry association, held a special meeting of its Women in IT Forum this week to discuss the matter.

Gillian Arnold, Chairwoman of the Intellect Women in IT Forum, and a regional sales executive for IBM, said: "Anecdotally, it seemed we had an issue with pay within the industry, and clearly the private sector does not make pay scales as transparent as in the public sector."

"It's because of this that we decided to hold the conference...We were also interested in the views of the Chartered Institute of Management given their recent press coverage," she added.

The CMI found that women IT managers, averaged across all levels, earned £45,869 a year in 2005, which was £780 more than the average man.

A CMI spokesman speculated that there might be a level of management, perhaps middle management, in which women were earning considerably more than men and this had skewed the overall average. But he could not be sure because a breakdown was not available.

The crucial difference between the surveys appears to be the sample sizes. The CMI gathers its data from interviews with 21,000 people in 200 organisations across all sectors.

The labour force survey is based on a considerably larger sample of 56,000 households.

Elizabeth Pollitzer, chairwoman of Equalitec, an industry partnership that helps women in IT careers, was also sceptical of the CMI findings.

"One reason is that women take a career break and get paid less when they return," said.

"There should be a principle of equal pay for equal jobs,” said Pollitzer. “At present the problem is that its equal jobs and not equal pay."®

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

DeLay's Defense: Checks are Not Funds... Uhhh... Yeah

You can tell you're a lying sack of shit when you lawyers publickly try a something like this... Fer Crissake... Just because most of the country voted for Bush - do they reall think we're all THAT stupid???

From The Washington Post...
The lawyers [for DeLay] said, for example, that the law covered the "money laundering of funds" such as coins or currency, and that the money transfers cited in the indictment involved "checks" that were not "funds."

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

US Airforce Converts Heathen into God's Flying Horsemen

At the end of a recent Washington Post article it says:

Weinstein called the guidelines insufficient, but evangelical Christian groups attacked them as overly restrictive. "Mikey Weinstein might not like it, but it is the job of an evangelical Christian chaplain to evangelize," said Tom Minnery, vice president of public policy for the Colorado-based Focus on the Family. "It's protected by the First Amendment's guarantee of free exercise of religion."

Resnicoff said the "amazing, positive thing that people are missing" about the NCMAF code of ethics is that "even the most evangelical chaplains are agreeing not to try to change the religion of a Jew, a Muslim, a Hindu -- anyone who has a religious faith."

Now if this were simply religious nut-cases doing their thing then fine - especially if they do it behind closed doors and in the dark. But this is talking about Evangelical Chaplains in the US Air Force.

Now Tom Minnery may not like it but it's the Air Force's job to drop bombs, shoot missiles and the like, not evangelize. I'm not sure why my tax dollars go to paying purveyors of fantasy play in the first place. I suppose to keep with the religious freedom clause in the constitution we might allow them to be there but they should be paid by their church.

But what the fuck is all that noise about it being amazing that they only prey upon the "un-churched"? What? Like people who don't believe are free game? They see it sorta like choosing your 4th grade recess kickball team - you can't take those already on a team but keep on gunnin' for those left standing against the wall?

It makes me sick. I firmly support the right of any adult to delude himself into thinking that there is a god, and to bug him for favor and pretend that when he dies he's god a condo waiting in the clouds - but for fuck's sake - please do it in private, don't assume that those who choose not to play are waiting for someone to be"…generous in sharing their faith…", and most of all, PLEASE don't make me pay for it through my taxes.

Thank you

Monday, October 03, 2005

More Education = Less Beliefe in Supernatural

God had a similar reaction to his children's quest for knowlage. Eve, if you recall, ate from the Tree of Knowlage and then offered Adam. The first PhD - you might say. God got pissed and kicked them out of his back yard - "I'm not gonna play anymore if you KNOW stuff." He cried. He took his Paradise and his toys and he kicked his kids out.

Anyway... A more relevant aspecto to all this is the Evolution vs Christian Nonsense in Schools "debate". From an artice in the NY Times I quote the good Rev. grove:

"They're babblers," said the pastor, the Rev. Jim Grove, who leads a 40-member independent Baptist church outside of Dover. "The more Ph.D.'s you get, it seems like the further away from God you get."

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Quid Pro Quo

From the Washington Post

"Many communities, faith-based entities and the state of Texas have drained assets to save lives and help with the enormous multi-state national emergency, and they will need reimbursement to avoid massive financial failures," warned Rep. Louie Gohmert, a freshman Republican whose hard-hit East Texas district was drawn with the help of House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) to take it from Democratic control.

Finally - Reason Takes On The Religios NutCases

"Intelligent design is inherently religious. It is a form of creationism," Miller said
during four hours of testimony that often resembled an extended college seminar.
"If you invoke a spiritual force in science, I can't test or replicate it.

"Scientific theories are not hunches," he added. "When we say 'theory,'
we mean a strong, overarching explanation that ties together many facts and
enables us to make testable predictions."

From The Washington Post

The Flying Spaghetti Monster is LOVE

Intelligent Design Doesn't Go Far Enough

Let us remember that there are multiple theories of Intelligent Design. I
and many others around the world are of the strong belief that the universe
was created by a Flying Spaghetti Monster. It was He who created all
that we see and all that we feel. We feel strongly that the overwhelming
scientific evidence pointing towards evolutionary processes is nothing
but a coincidence, put in place by Him.

From An Open Letter to the Kansas School Board

I add my voice to the millions which DEMAND that alternative "theories" of Intelligent Design be included in every discussion, publicly funded grant, and school room. It is shameful and disrespectful to the boys who fought so bravely against King George in 1776 so that we could enjoy Freedom of Speech. Our country was founded on these principals of freedom and our founding fathers all help The Flying Spaghetti Monster deep within their hearts - one need only to look at their wigs to see this is true.

If we are to open science texts and classes to one baseless, idiotic, unfounded, superstitious notion as an alternative to well founded theory I demand that we open than to ALL!

Scientific Proof that SFM is TRUE

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Fucking Scary - And IDon't Mean the Ghosts

American soldiers - even weekend warriors - should carry guns not crusifixes. These people are insane. One guy in camos holding holywater and commanding Satan to leave the dark areas of the building???

Fuck me!

"...we're bringing the light. You know, wherever the soldiers go there goes the word of God." Who are these maniacs? Fucking crusaders? Taliban?

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Monday, May 16, 2005

More proof that Bush is a lying sack of shit.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Bush has slime mold beetle named after him

Friday, March 25, 2005

Bush team theme -- 'We were all wrong'

Theo-Cons do it again. Hell bent on their religion and their beliefe that beliefe is as good if not better than knowing they defend the beliefs which led them to war, a shameful economy, and a deranged government.

After the invasion, the belief parade did not subside. When former Secretary of State Colin Powell was forced to admit he had no evidence linking al Qaeda to Iraq, he defended going to war anyway, saying, "The president decided he had to act because he believed that" the region was in danger. And when American weapons inspectors finally reported that the "best evidence" indicated that no WMDs were to be found in Iraq, what was the White House's first response? That this administration doesn't care about evidence. "We believe [the weapons] will be found," said the White House spokesman. "We believe the truth will come out."

SF Gate

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Secret US plans for Iraq's oil

This is depressing. Bush is such an ass-hole. In almost every move he destroys yet another thing which makes (made?) America good.


Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Molecular Expressions: Science, Optics and You - Secret Worlds: The Universe Within - Interactive Java Tutorial

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

More Proof that there is a strong correlation between Religion and Idiocy

Eva Muntean, who co-organized a 1,000-person march against same-sex marriage last April in North Beach that drew Roman Catholic Archbishop William Levada, said, "We support marriage as between a man and a woman because it is a building block of our society that is designed to give children a mother and a father.

"Marriage is defined by centuries of common law in societies around the world as between a man and a woman," said Muntean, who was also co-chair of January's anti-abortion rights Walk for Life West Coast in San Francisco.

Eva - did ya ever think that in a gay marriage there won't be any children - hence your argument is voided.

As for the centuries - well slavery has been defined just as long, including in the Bible, shall we bring that back as well?

Fucking idiots trying to force sane people to live by their book of fantasies.

THE OPPOSITION: 'Activist court' ruled predictably, but fight far from over