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Friday, October 15, 2004

Evangelicals Shouldn't Vote - They Should Pray

In the article below The Rev. Ken Hutcherson admits he doesn't believe in his God. At rallies designed to get his sheep to vote, presumably Republican, he tells them that:

A. They should go out and vote to secure the sanctity of heterosexual marriage
and that
B. God will take care of the vote.

It strikes me as odd that he is resorting to the very same methods of influencing this election as distinctly secular (and quite possibly pro-homosexual, liberal, atheist) groups such as MTV's Rock The Vote. Where is his faith in God? In Prayer?

Now Christians have been attempting to demonstrate that prayer is a useful and functional way of healing - sometimes in addition too and sometimes instead of more established and scientifically tested medical intervention. As one of the posts below discusses, they have even duped the US Federal Government to spend over $2mil testing the value of intercessory prayer.

So I propose that Christians can show the depth of their faith by not voting this election season and fervently praying instead. After all, if they are willing to put the lives of loved ones in dire need of, say a blood transfusion or methods which may someday come of stem cell research, into the hands of God, then why not the election? As even viewers of Fox News must be aware, according to the polls this is a very tight race. There are probably too many factors to use previous models of voter behavior to call this one. And people are frustratingly fickle.

Put you money where your mouth is and put your faith in God. Don't vote. Pray.

We already know that the good Rev. Ken Hutcherson doesn't believe in the power of God - which makes him a cheap, lying, charlatan. Now every Christian man and woman has the chance to demonstrate their faith in that power. And remember, every vote cast by a Christian for either candidate is a vote against God.


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