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Thursday, December 02, 2004

The American Taliban Gains Foothold in US Schools

"There's only one creator, and it has to be God," said Rebecca Cashman, 16, a sophomore at Dover High. She frowned when asked to recollect what she learned about evolution at school last year.

"Evolution -- is that the Darwin theory?" Cashman shook her head. "I don't know just what he was thinking!"

Just think for a moment - what do you think the world would look like if The Taliban had enormous economic and military strenth? It's going to happen only not from the Islamic Middle East but from the Christain Mid West. The idiotic pinheads who elected George Bush on "moral values" have been emboldened. They are teaching your children.

Religion - all of it - needs to be destroyed. Teach critical thinking. Teach logic. Teach science. Kill faith.

Evangelicals see flaws in Darwinism - San Francisco Chronicle


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