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Friday, March 25, 2005

Bush team theme -- 'We were all wrong'

Theo-Cons do it again. Hell bent on their religion and their beliefe that beliefe is as good if not better than knowing they defend the beliefs which led them to war, a shameful economy, and a deranged government.

After the invasion, the belief parade did not subside. When former Secretary of State Colin Powell was forced to admit he had no evidence linking al Qaeda to Iraq, he defended going to war anyway, saying, "The president decided he had to act because he believed that" the region was in danger. And when American weapons inspectors finally reported that the "best evidence" indicated that no WMDs were to be found in Iraq, what was the White House's first response? That this administration doesn't care about evidence. "We believe [the weapons] will be found," said the White House spokesman. "We believe the truth will come out."

SF Gate


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