All the politics, religion, and other bullshit you can keep down. And random things that pique my interest.


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Thursday, December 16, 2004

Does he want to devalue EVERYTHING the US once held dear to the point of worthlessness????

President Bush awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Tommy Franks, the now-retired Army general who led the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq; former CIA director George Tenet, who told Bush it was a "slam dunk" that Iraq still had weapons of mass destruction; and L. Paul Bremer, who presided over the first 14 months of Iraq reconstruction.

Past recipients have included Mother Teresa, Mr. Rogers, Rosa Parks and Pope John Paul II.

Bush Gives Medal of Freedom to 'Pivotal' Iraq Figures (

Very cool but not for the faint of heart

Christmas isn't only about Santa and gifts. Remember the Bay Jesus this holiday

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

...a full 99.9 percent of the complaints about indecency have again come from the Parents Television Council.

SF Gate

In the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave you are only as free as the most conservative, Christian fundamentalis and the most sensitive among you.

The gratuitous sex, foul language, and violence on TV (along with stories and dialogue that create disdain for authority figures, patriotism, and religion) are having a negative effect on children.
About the Parents Television Council

Monday, December 13, 2004

Godly hate this holiday season.

The god of love sure hates a lot of things...