All the politics, religion, and other bullshit you can keep down. And random things that pique my interest.


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Thursday, February 03, 2005

Religion for Dummies - Oh, that's redundant, isn't it?

From the FAQ of
Why is this museum needed?
Our increasingly anti-Christian country must return to a belief in the authority of the Bible and be presented with the life-changing Gospel message. Evolutionary indoctrination has undermined the Christian foundations in America.

Creation Museum | Project Summary

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

More proof that 50% of Americans are Idiots and Ass-holes

Face it, God did not create the world in 6 days 10,000 years ago.
Face it, human beings - like all life on earth today - evolved from earlier species.
Face it, science and religion anser different questions. Attempting to use science to tell us What is the meaning of life? Am I here for a higher purpose? What comes after death? and similar questions is futile. Using Christianity to answer questions like How old is the world? What is the atomic wieght of hydrogen? How or when did that mountain form? AND HOW DID HUMAN BEINGS GET TO BE THEY WAY THEY ARE? is egually futile.

Once and for all - People who don't want evolution or science ion general taught in public schools should send their kids to idiot factories - Oh sorry, I mean religious schools. If they want to impose their hairbrained, tribalistsic beliefs on the rest of us they should be shot. Plain and simple.

The New York Times > Evolution Takes a Back Seat in U.S. Classes

Monday, January 31, 2005

And BoyKing George W Bush thought he had it good...

Almost every year, he (King Mswati III of Swaziland) chooses a new wife at the "reed dance" ceremony when 20,000 virgins dance topless at the royal kraal.

Telegraph | News | No more parties or cars, your majesty