All the politics, religion, and other bullshit you can keep down. And random things that pique my interest.


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Thursday, April 06, 2006

Why Does Anyone Care WHAT Evangelicals Think About Immigration?

A recent article in the Washington Post talks about a split in thinking among Evangelical Christians on the proposed immigration law changes. Though I'm glad to see the difference of opinion since it implies independant thought rarely seen in that set, the bigger issues - or rather question here, is WHO GIVES A FLYING RATS ASS?

I mean, no one reall cares what Adults Who Belive in Santa Clause think, right? Or the Followers of Golden Dawn? Nope. I don't think a major news outlet is any hurry to dispatch resources to find out.

Let religious nut cases be religious nut cases. They can confess their sins to pedophile priests, raise their hind quarters to the sky, or ut up their sons' penises in bloddy ritual all they want - but please... let's just not take them seriously or lend them authority on matters that matter.